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Xquery get value from attribute

sql xml xquery

Is there any way in XQuery to get the current time in milliseconds since some Epoch?

xpath xquery

How to get count of childnodes in XML file using XQuery

java xml xquery

Execute a XQuery with PHP

php xquery

XPath / XQuery: find text in a node, but ignoring content of specific descendant elements

xpath xquery

Getting multiple records from xml column with value() in SQL Server

sql-server-2005 xquery

Use of xml.modify to insert parameters into specific element of an xml column

XQuery: Create a new element with a given name?

xml xquery

How to get the ROOT node name from SQL Server

sql-server xml xpath xquery

How do you switch on a string in XQuery?

Updating counter in XQuery

xquery marklogic

XQuery all files under a specific directory?

xml xquery

Put each XQuery result on a new line

xml formatting xquery

XPath pulling more than one match

xml xpath xquery

Using XQuery in Linq To SQL?

XQuery order by ascending and descending

xml xquery

How can I remove duplicate nodes in XQuery?

duplicates xquery

Debug XQuery Program

debugging xquery

how to use if else in xquery assignment

XQuery vs XSLT for transforming data

xml xquery xslt