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New posts in xml-serialization

Not able to set the default namespace in Android XmlSerializer

android xml-serialization

How to serialize Delphi TObjectList<TMyClass> type to XML with TJvAppXMLFileStorage?

Implementing IXmlSerializable on a collection object

c# xml-serialization

XML serialize Roslyn SyntaxTree?

C# Changing the element names of items in a list when serializing/deserializing XML

Error generating XML document. The type Job was not expected

C# Xml Serialization: can't (de)serialize an object that comes from another assembly

Can an XmlSerializer pool strings to avoid large duplicate strings?

Creating an extensible properties class (OOP)

This XmlWriter does not support base64 encoded data

c# .net xml xml-serialization

How to serialize/deserialize generated WCF proxy code?

c# .net xml-serialization

XML binding tools for Android [closed]

Serializing a BigInteger

How avoid exception deserializing an invalid enum item?

Best way to bulk insert XML data into SQL Server 2005 database

WCF service doesn't like single quotes

c# wcf xml-serialization

Stream was not readable error

De/Serialize directly To/From XML Linq

c# xml linq xml-serialization

Replacement for XML Serialization

c# xml xml-serialization

ShouldSerialize*() vs *Specified Conditional Serialization Pattern