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New posts in xdomainrequest

How can I make cross-domain requests with custom headers without using XDomainRequest or XMLHttpRequest?

IE8/9 AJAX/CORS (XDomainRequest) send referer header

Can I read binary data properly through XDomainRequest?

XDomainRequest aborts POST on IE 9

XDomainRequest Vs XMLHttpRequest on IE8 and IE9

Why IE XDomainRequest does not send Referer header

XDomainRequest problem

XDomainRequest in IE is giving Access is Denied error


IE, XDomainRequest not always work

Is there a XDomainRequest equivalent in Firefox?

Make a CORS request in IE9 with cookies?

Can XDomainRequest be made to work with SSL?

cross-origin header in IE8/IE9

Setting headers in XDomainRequest or ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')

Access is denied error on XDomainRequest

CORS with jQuery and XDomainRequest in IE8/9