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New posts in firefox-3

Getting HTML out of selection / range from a web page in Mozilla Firefox

@import in @media not working in Firefox 3.0.3

css media firefox-3

HTML 5 Reference Implementations

html google-gears firefox-3

Style sheet images aren't reloaded by Firefox or Safari

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How to get Selenium working with PHP/Firefox3 on Linux

php testing selenium firefox-3

Selectable input fields and textareas but no other content selectable in Firefox?

html css firefox firefox-3

SharePoint and Firefox 3

Chrome or Firefox (or browser-agnostic) for an intranet app?

FireFox 3 line-height

css firefox-3

Firefox 3 doesn't apply my xslt stylesheet, but other browsers do

firefox xslt firefox-3

How do I get clientX and clientY to work inside my "drag" event handler on Firefox?

Why is Firefox 3 breaking with console.log

Is there a XDomainRequest equivalent in Firefox?

Firefox Bookmarks SQLite structure

Can Firefox's "view source" be set to not make a new GET request?

firefox firefox-3

How to get the file path from HTML input form in Firefox 3

html file-upload firefox-3