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brew install macvim doesn't work with "xcode-lite", i.e., command line tools for xcode?

How to build and sign an iOS app on separate machines?

CordovaError: Promise rejected with non-error: 'xcodebuild was not found. Please install version 9.0.0 or greater from App Store'

Most efficient way to do 22 different builds

Xcode crashes on opening xib files

Implicit dependencies do not work with xcodebuild

ios xcode xcodebuild

Failed to generate release build of cordova ios app

How do I run a Cocoa app after building it from the command line with xcodebuild?

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Why are static analyzer issues not failing my CI build?

TeamCity Integrated with Xcode Projects (BUILD RUNNER)

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Error specifying PROVISIONING_PROFILE using command line xcodebuild

xcodebuild archive fails, xcode archive succeeds

Is it possible to hide code based on SDK version

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What are the differences between xcodebuild, xcrun and swift command line tools?

ios swift xcode macos xcodebuild

Xcodebuild - Skip Finished requesting crash reports. Continuing with testing

Xcode, Codesign Error from Jenkins / SSH - "User Interaction is not allowed"

When are profiles renewed when using "Automatically manage signing"/allowProvisioningUpdates?

xcode build fails with error code 65 without indicative message

xcode xcodebuild

Conditionally build app with different asset catalogs

ios xcode xcodebuild

Build and run an app on simulator using xcodebuild