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xcode build fails with error code 65 without indicative message

I'm experiencing weird behaviour with my iPhone CI job (running in TeamCity). Every once in a while our build fails without any indicative error in the build log. The build reaches the last stage of codesign validation and I get ** BUILD FAILED ** message immediately after.

These are the last lines of the log of a good and bad builds -

Bad Build
[15:00:56] :             [CodeSign]     /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/Validation /Library/TeamCity/buildAgent/work/dc055fa257f562be/DerivedData/MyProject/Build/Products/AdHoc-iphoneos/MyProject.app
[15:00:58]W:     [Step 3/6] ** BUILD FAILED **

Good Build
[14:09:13] :             [CodeSign]     /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/Validation /Library/TeamCity/buildAgent/work/dc055fa257f562be/DerivedData/MyProject/Build/Products/AdHoc-iphoneos/MyProject.app
[14:09:13] :     [Step 3/6] ** BUILD SUCCEEDED **

Because it's running in a CI I looked for user interaction problems (opening the keychain...etc') but usually xcodebuild spews the relevant errors.

Is there any other log I can dig into to find the cause of the build failures?

EDIT: Seems I had the same problem like build failed jenkins iOS no error.

like image 997
Nimrod Gutman Avatar asked Mar 01 '15 13:03

Nimrod Gutman

2 Answers

I also had a similar problem, in my case it was caused by the fact I'm using both Xcode 7.2 and Xcode 6.4 side by side. When the simulator of Xcode 6.4 is open (iOS Simulator 8.4) and I try to start a test from the commandline using Xcode 7.2 I get this 65 error.

Eg. when iOS Simulator 8.4 is open:

# sudo xcode-select -s "/Applications/Xcode 7.2.app/Contents/Developer"
# xcodebuild test CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO -workspace "/path/to/MyWorkspace.xcworkspace" -scheme "MyProject" -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6,OS=9.2"
# echo $?

Solution is to kill the simulator before starting the test:

# killall "iOS Simulator"
# killall "Simulator"

The process is called "iOS Simulator" for XCode 6.4 and earlier and called "Simulator" for later XCode versions.

like image 64
Mr. Morris Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 13:10

Mr. Morris

Had the same problem as build failed jenkins iOS no error

tl;dr - CopyPNG failed because of two images with the same name.

like image 5
Nimrod Gutman Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 12:10

Nimrod Gutman