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New posts in wsimport

Replacing XmlType.namespace using jaxb bindings during type generation

How can I specify JAXB customizations externally to a WSDL file?

jaxb wsdl jax-ws wsimport

java wsimport rename/different ObjectFactory.java

wsimport: multiple wsdl overwrite ObjectFactory

maven Failed to execute goal org.jvnet.jax-ws-commons:jaxws-maven-plugin:2.3:wsimport

java maven build wsimport

Wsimport failing in Java 11

JDK8 not working with JDK8 (WS client)

How to force Java 8 wsimport command-line to generate 1.6 target compatible code

java javac wsimport

help please: xjc throws "Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class"

How to create and include Java classes and multiple WSDLs for a jar

maven wsimport

Generating Metro Client Using Local WSDL File

How do I include a packaged WSDL to use with Java classes generated with wsimport?

CDATA element in WSDL client

java xml jaxb wsdl wsimport

XSD and WSDL in different directories

maven wsdl wsimport java-ws

Equivalent of org.apache.axis.components.net.SunFakeTrustSocketFactory for wsimport

wsimport client - customise multiple package names

apt vs wsgen vs wsimport .Confusion on what to use when and why not to use the other

WSImport generates conflicting XMLTypes for multiple Dynamics CRM 4.0 WSDL's

xjc/wsimport - JAXB binding ignored

java jaxb wsdl xjc wsimport