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New posts in wsh

File permissions with FileSystemObject - CScript.exe says one thing, Classic ASP says another

Writing a language for the Windows Scripting Host (WSH)

Setting an environment variable in javascript

Is there a way to run a command line command from JScript (not javascript) in Windows Scripting Host (WSH) cscript.exe?

How to use ANSI escape sequences with CSCRIPT on Windows 10?

Is wsh a reserved word in VBScript?

vbscript wsh

creating quoted path for shortcut with arguments in powershell

Visual Studio 2017 debugging vbscript

How to find the window Title of Active(foreground) window using Window Script Host

vbscript wsh

How can I determine if a file is locked using VBS?

How to pass an argument that starts with "//" to a wsh script?

vbscript jscript wsh

JScript Enumerator and list of properties

jscript wsh

setTimeout not working in windows script (jscript)

javascript wsh

A .bat or .wsh script that can search for files

batch-file scripting wsh

WScript.Shell Run gives "No application is associated with the specified file for this operation." when opening images.

silverlight-5.0 wsh

Alternative to custom protocols (URI schemes)

wsh url-scheme

Scripting Git Commands in Windows

git scripting jscript wsh

JavaScript version used by the Windows Scripting Host

windows scripting wsh jscript

Updating values from external workbook automatically

excel scripting vbscript wsh vba

Can I digitally sign JScript (.js) or VBScript (.vbs) files?