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setTimeout not working in windows script (jscript)




When I try to run the following code in my program

setTimeout("alert('moo')", 1000);

I get the following error

Error: Object expected
Code: 800A138F
Source: Microsoft JScript runtime error

Why? Am I calling the wrong function? What I want to do is delay the execution of the subsequent function.

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Sibo Lin Avatar asked Feb 04 '10 09:02

Sibo Lin

People also ask

Why setTimeout is not working in JS?

This is due to when a function is executed as a parameter to setTimeout , the execution context is different to the execution context of the function! Now this will print out undefined because the this keyword is executed in the context of the setTimeout function and is therefore not defined.

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if you use setTimeout the function update() has to completely finish before the next loop of time occurs, thus only 1 instance will ever be running at one time.

Is setTimeout blocking JavaScript?

Explanation: setTimeout() is non-blocking which means it will run when the statements outside of it have executed and then after one second it will execute.

Why does setTimeout 0 not always run immediately?

This is because even though setTimeout was called with a delay of zero, it's placed on a queue and scheduled to run at the next opportunity; not immediately. Currently-executing code must complete before functions on the queue are executed, thus the resulting execution order may not be as expected.

1 Answers

It sounds like you're using setTimeout in a non-browser-based script (Windows Script Host or similar). You can't do that. You can, however, use WScript.Sleep to suspend your script briefly, with which you can achieve a similar effect. Also, alert is not a WSH function; you may want WScript.Echo. More on the WSH reference on MSDN.

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T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 10:10

T.J. Crowder