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New posts in wsdl

Optimizing WSImport for Multiple WSDLs with Common Types

Get element from WSDL in PHP using SoapClient

php xml soap wsdl ebay-api

PHP SOAP with wsdl and 2-way SSL

php web-services ssl soap wsdl

Implementing a SOAP 1.2 server with Rails 3

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WSDL URL for a WCF Service (basicHttpBinding) hosted inside a Windows Service

WSDL Generation Tools

soap wsdl

Write jax-ws web service and generate WSDL without XSD

Calling SOAP with Golang

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Multiple-port Service Defined in a WSDL

why SOAP without WSDL?

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WCF generated proxy is order dependent and service added new elements to sequence

Changing the URL on a webservice client generated with wsimport

WSDL-first approach: How to specify different names for wsdl:port and wsdl:binding?

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asp web api json serialization returns private properties

where to find cxf/cxf.xml, cxf-extension-soap.xml, cxf-servlet.xml

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Generate WSDL from java class\source

java wsdl

JAXB Customizations With a Poorly Formed WSDL

web-services soap wsdl jaxb

What is the mime-type of a wsdl file?

wsdl mime-types

Adding WSDL files from file directory

SoapHttpClientProtocol and TLS 1.2 - The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm

c# ssl wsdl