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New posts in wsdl

Consume and Invoke SOAP WebServices at Runtime - Dynamic Web Service client from WSDL file

wsimport client - customise multiple package names

C# web-service client: multiple web-service methods with same (complex) return type?

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Restful service in .NET with WADL instead of WSDL

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Generating WSDL with NuSOAP - return struct with various types (int, string, array of structs)

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Apache CXF, generating web services from WSDL file [closed]

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What is the best solution for creating a SOAP Server in PHP?

php soap wsdl

PHP Soap Server: instantiate with a string (xml string) instead of WSDL file (url to it)

php string soap wsdl

SOAPUI: Validate response against xsd schema file

xsd wsdl soapui

How do I define an array of custom types in WSDL?

c# python web-services soap wsdl

Getting java classes from multiple wsdls

java maven wsdl

WSDL to Java or Java to WSDL?

Why the trailing slash in the web service is so important?

php python wsdl soappy

Uncaught SoapFault exception: [Client] Function is not a valid method for this service

php soap wsdl

Case problem in SOAP message tag names using savon

ruby xml soap wsdl savon

xjc/wsimport - JAXB binding ignored

java jaxb wsdl xjc wsimport

WSDL2Java. Apache CXF. ArrayOf{Type} to List<Type>

apache wsdl jaxb cxf

WCF request validation using XML

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asp .net core wcf endpoints