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Wordpress how to prevent duplicate post by checking if post title exist before running "wp_insert_post"?

"AndroidHttpTransport cannot be resolved to a type" error in ksoap2

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How do I include a packaged WSDL to use with Java classes generated with wsimport?

Using SOAP::Lite service stubs

TypeError in SOAP Request (using pysimplesoap)

CDATA element in WSDL client

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How to remove or exclude a schema that WCF adds that isn't used?

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Error importing a WSDL in SoapUI

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Validate SOAP message against WSDL

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How to detect breaking changes in WSDL contracts?

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CXF: Implement multiple ports on same soap:adress?

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Self hosted Wcf serves wsdl but 404's when invoked

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Making SOAP Clients more fault tolerant when using class mapping

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wsdl: how to generate exception with errorCode and errorMessage inlined?

Add Service Reference: Ordering of Serialization Fields

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How does it work with the magic WSDL URI query parameter?

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Returning An Array of Objects in PHP Web Service

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