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"AndroidHttpTransport cannot be resolved to a type" error in ksoap2

This is in eclipse for an android app. I am using ksoap2 to access a function in an online wsdl. While making a soapobject() to do that, I am coming across this error. I have added the ksoap2 jar file in build path and all the rest of the code related to ksoap2 is working perfectly. I tried a google search, but found nothing. So how to prevent this error?

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ankit rawat Avatar asked Feb 09 '13 10:02

ankit rawat

1 Answers

AndroidHttpTransport is Replaced By HttpTransportSE Now.

you can Use HttpTransportSE as Below Way :

HttpTransportSE HttpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(YOUR_URL);

Hope it will Work for you.

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Bhavesh Patadiya Avatar answered Feb 09 '23 01:02

Bhavesh Patadiya