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PHP and no Soap action header

php web-services wsdl

ASP.NET/C# client to consume a PHP/MYSQL web service (WSDL)

php asp.net mysql soap wsdl

php soap maxoccurs=unbounded

php soap wsdl

How can I specify JAXB customizations externally to a WSDL file?

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JavaToWs share types

c# java wcf wsdl svcutil.exe

INVALID_WSDL error when calling SOAP service

java web-services soap wsdl

Soap request Message part was not recognized

AxisFault: The ServiceClass object does not implement the required method in the following form: OMElement add(OMElement e)

BeanDeserializer Warnings: How to get rid of them?

java soap wsdl polarion

How to dynamically autogenerate Java Beans from WSDL?

java wsdl jax-ws cxf wsdl2java

Filtering a WSDL to Only Some Operations

wcf wsdl

Web Service SOAP Request is working on SOAPUI but not working on PHP

php xml web-services soap wsdl

Jax-ws set connection timeout for reading wsdl and sending request

java wsdl jax-ws urlconnection

Spring Maven - Unable to generate WSDL

Spyne Soap server with WSDL-file

python soap wsdl spyne

Specify operation order in Spring generated WSDL

spring soap wsdl spring-ws

PHP SoapServer - attributes in nodes

php xml soap wsdl

PHP SoapClient Remap SoapAction in WSDL-mode?

php web-services soap wsdl

Hide REST endpoint from MEX/WSDL in WCF

wcf rest soap wsdl

How do I generate both client and interface code from WSDL.exe?

c# web-services wsdl