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New posts in wsdl

Generating C#.net class from WSDL file

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PHP SoapClient type mapping behaves differently

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How to restrict access to everything but wsdl?

WSDL binding - soapAction value

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How to create WSDL file given SOAP WSDL operations

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What tool can I use to merge wsdl and xsd file?

delphi xsd wsdl delphi-7

Making a web service request parameter a required field

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Object reference not set to an instance of an object error when trying SOAP call

php soap wsdl

Get data from soap envelope zeep

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THttprio onBeforeExecute changing the soapRequest

delphi wsdl delphi-2009

Filter Array or XML with Time between Start and End Time

php jquery xml wsdl jsonp

What's the difference between the W3 and xmlsoap.org schemas?

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Couldn't find a matching Java operation for WSDD operation

java web-services wsdl axis

FedEx 556 - No valid services available. when there should be

wsdl opencart fedex

Namespace for array field in node-soap client (Node.js)

xml node.js soap wsdl node-soap

how to get the xml representation of the SOAP request message?

c# xml web-services soap wsdl

Generating a Web service proxy from a WSDL C#

c# web-services wsdl

NuSoap soapClient call getting "Premature end of data in tag html" error

php web-services wsdl nusoap

How to bypass certificate checking in a Java web service client

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difference between inbound and outbound web service

web-services wsdl