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New posts in workflow-foundation

How to query a workflow instance for its execution state

resource identifier xxxxxxxx has already been used in this assembly

How to set "Specific Version" property for project references in Visual Studio

Custom Workflow Activity not showing in Plugin Registration

Windows Workflow, WCF Ria services & Silverlight Example

Web based designer for windows workflow foundation

Dynamic Business Rules in a web application

Loading persisted workflow after workflowdefinition has changed in WF4

WorkFlow Unit Testing

WF4 RC - Cannot create unknown type when loading WF Service from loose Xaml with ActivityXamlServices

Store Files in SQL Server or keep them on the File Server?

How do I troubleshoot PipeExceptions and CommunicationExceptions in WCF?

Time Based Events in ASP.net

Windows Workflow usage in large web applications

Error 'TF215097:...Cannot create unknown type for...' custom CodeActivity [duplicate]

ASP.NET - best queue system for a new application

Loading previous version workflows with new version assembly

.net workflow-foundation

Where is Windows Workflow Foundation used?

Do WF and nServiceBus overlap? How? And which to use?