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New posts in workflow-foundation

Delay activity not always working in Sharepoint 2010 workflow

Windows Workflow Services - What are they?

Performance impact of using Workflow Foundation

Cannot drop custom Workflow activity for TFS2010 in custom build process template

WF 4.0 Resources Collection

How do the multiple .NET technologies and patterns work together?

MS WF state machine workflows and MS CRM Dynamics 4.0

Rehosting workflow designer in web

In sharepoint designer's workflow editor how do I get the workflow initiators username?

Are Windows Workflow Foundation Statemachines suitable for high performance scenarios?

Workflow Foundation 4.5 "Expression Activity type 'CSharpValue`1' requires compilation in order to run."

Whats the purpose of Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)?

.net workflow-foundation

State Machine or Flowchart for Windows Workflow Foundation 4?

How do I mock out a call to a WCF Service when using a Send or SendReceive activity in WF4?

RESTful Workflow Service Endpoints in WF4 / WCF

Assigning multiple users to a workflow task in sharepoint