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Not able to start kafka with .\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties cmd

apache-kafka wmic

Powershell WMIC Datafile Invalid Query?

wmic error (invalid XSL format) in windows7

How to find which network profile(s) are active via cmd or batch script

wmic cpu get LoadPercentage always returns empty value

Use WMIC to query local administrator group members

windows command wmi wmic

How to run wmic command in a batch file

windows wmic

Get Interface name, IP and MAC in Windows Command line

How to correct variable overwriting misbehavior when parsing output?

How to find a process pid with wmic and kill it with taskkill

batch-file newline wmic

WMIC Returning Odd Serial Number

batch-file scripting wmic

wmic diskdrive get serialnumber -> invalid xml output

wmi serial-number wmic

Powershell get-item VersionInfo.ProductVersion incorrect / different than WMI

Find the version of a installed program from batch file

batch-file wmic

WMIC command in batch outputting non UTF-8 text files

WMIC: how to use **process call create** with a specific working directory?

windows batch-file wmic

WMIC product where "name like..." - "no instances available" if run in batch file


How can I remove empty lines from wmic output?

windows path cmd wmic

Why is the FOR /f loop in this batch script evaluating a blank line?

windows batch-file cmd wmic