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Get Interface name, IP and MAC in Windows Command line

I want to get a list of all the interfaces, IP and MAC address on a machine. I have quite a few machines to get this information from (around 600) and I can't use a batch file on the devices. I would like to send the command and get back an echoed output.

All the info I need is in ipconfig /all but I am not sure how to go about parsing that out with a for loop. I am still quite new to that complex of a loop. Essentially I need to get a one liner output if possible. Any suggestions?

hostname, interface1 name, IP, Mac, interface2 name, ip mac,... etc.

EDIT: I have had some luck with the WMIC outputs but I am having issues getting it to display correctly in a file. If I run these.

wmic computersystem get name  
wmic nic where netenabled=true get netconnectionID   
wmic /output:C:\wmictest.csv nicconfig where IPEnabled=True get ipaddress, macaddress /format:csv

My output does not show the netconnectionID. Also the output file as a blank line before the text. not a big deal but is odd. Any suggestions on how to get all the info into the file correctly? here is my example output.

like image 290
scott Avatar asked Nov 26 '14 22:11


2 Answers

Here is a wmic solution resulting with echo =!HostName!,!NetConID!,!IP_Addrs!,!MAC_Addr! with one line for each active adapter of a local computer (can't try adaptations necessary to run it against a remote machine):

@SETLOCAL enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set "HostName="
wmic computersystem get name ^
  /format:textvaluelist.xsl>"%temp%\cmptr.txt" 2>nul
for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%G in ('type "%temp%\cmptr.txt"') do (
  if /i "%%G"=="Name" set "HostName=%%~H"
set "MAC_Addr="
for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%G in ('ipconfig /all^|find /i "Physical Address"') do (
  set "foo="
  for %%I in (%%~H) do if not "%%~I"=="" set "foo=%%~I"
  set "MAC_Addr=!foo:-=:!"
  set "NetConID="
  wmic nic where "NetEnabled='true' and MACAddress='!MAC_Addr!'" ^
    list /format:textvaluelist.xsl>"%temp%\wmcnc.txt" 2>&1
  for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%I in ('type "%temp%\wmcnc.txt"') do (
    if /i "%%I"=="NetConnectionID" set "NetConID=%%~J"
  set "IP_Addrs="
  wmic nicconfig where "IPEnabled='True' and MACAddress='!MAC_Addr!'" ^
    list /format:textvaluelist.xsl>"%temp%\wmcnccfg.txt" 2>&1
  for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%I in ('type "%temp%\wmcnccfg.txt"') do (
    if /i "%%I"=="IPAddress" set "IP_Addrs=%%~J"
  if not "!NetConID!,!IP_Addrs!"=="," (
    @echo =!HostName!,!NetConID!,!IP_Addrs!,!MAC_Addr!
del "%temp%\cmptr.txt" 2>nul
del "%temp%\wmcnc.txt" 2>nul
del "%temp%\wmcnccfg.txt" 2>nul
goto :eof

Another solution parses semi-linear output from ipconfig /ALL and gives results closest to previous wmic one as follows:

@SETLOCAL enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
  set "HostName="
  set "NetConID="
  set "IP_Addr4="
  set "IP_Addr6="
  set "MAC_Addr="
for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%G in ('ipconfig /ALL') do (
  set "foo=%%~G"
  if not "!foo:Host name=!"=="!foo!" (
    for %%I in (%%~H) do if not "%%~I"=="" set "HostName=%%~I"
  if "!foo:adapter=!"=="!foo!" (
    if not "!foo:Physical Address=!"=="!foo!" (
      for %%I in (%%~H) do if not "%%~I"=="" set "MAC_Addr=%%~I"
    if not "!foo:IPv4 Address=!"=="!foo!" (
      for %%I in (%%~H) do if not "%%~I"=="" set "IP_Addr4=%%~I"
      set "IP_Addr4=!IP_Addr4:(preferred)=!"
    if not "!foo:local IPv6 Address=!"=="!foo!" (
      for %%I in (%%~H) do (
        if not "%%~I"=="" (
          for /F "delims=%%" %%p in ("%%~I") Do set "IP_Addr6=%%~p"
          rem set "IP_Addr6=!IP_Addr6:(preferred)=!"
  ) else (
    if not "!IP_Addr6!,!IP_Addr4!"=="," (
      @echo #!HostName!,!NetConID!,{"!IP_Addr4!","!IP_Addr6!"},!MAC_Addr!
    set "MAC_Addr="
    set "IP_Addr4="
    set "IP_Addr6="
    set "NetConID=!foo:*adapter =!"
if not "!IP_Addr6!,!IP_Addr4!"=="," (
  @echo =!HostName!,!NetConID!,{"!IP_Addr4!","!IP_Addr6!"},!MAC_Addr!

goto :eof
like image 125
JosefZ Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10


I would use:

wmic nicconfig where "IPEnabled = True" get ipaddress ... and things you would like to get. There's no need to parse output.

like image 37
jacetyh Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10
