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Is there a way to speed up WiX builds?


wix custom dialog for config edit

wix dialog config

Copying multiple files using wildcards/recursively using Wix

wix windows-installer wix3

Complete WiX sample *.wxs to download and install a specific version of .NET Framework if it's not available

ICE64: The directory ApplicationProgramsFolder is in the user profile but is not listed in the RemoveFile table

WiX RemoveFolderEx not working?

How can I get around "this component does not fit the criteria for having an automatically generated guid"

Wix cannot resolve symbol "Icon"

wix wix3

Open source projects using Wix source files to learn from


Wix Burn Bundle - Must be Administrator

Wix installer blanks out registry setting when repairing

wix wix3.5

Automatically keeping WiX installer updated with newly created files

visual-studio-2010 wix

How should I handle product upgrades in a WiX installer?

wix patch

Editing Web.Config Connection string settings with Wix

Unresolved reference to WixUI:WixUI_InstallDir

dll command-line wix wix3.7

How to generate .msi installer with cmake?

How to run heat.exe and register a dll in wix

Error 4: SELECT `Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 1707 (also 1709)

wix windows-installer

Why won't WiX let me set the KeyPath of a non-advertised shortcut in HKLM?

wix windows-installer

WiX - harvest non project assemblies in setup output