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Wix: Is there any wix command to create database user?

Wix - change the installation folder based on privilege

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What is the difference between NetFx45WebLink and NetFx45RedistLink

Using WiX how do I disable/enable controls based on property change?

How to log the installation date to the registry

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Validate user must install at least one of sub features

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WiX unresolved reference error

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Copying multiple files using wildcards/recursively using Wix

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Wix cannot resolve symbol "Icon"

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Reusing WIX components to speed up candle/light

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How to check for .net framework 4.7.1 with Wix 3.11

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Features installed to different locations but referencing the same components

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Customizing text in the standard Wix dialogs

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Create EventLog source in WiX without an event message file

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Custom Action execution by feature

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Upgrade individual feature in WIX feature-tree without uninstalling/upgrading other feature(s)

Generating an executable using wix

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WIX, Dot Net managed custom Action, dynamically fill combo box with SQL Server instances, MSI

Copy if not exist in WiX

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MSI Reference Counting: Two products install the same MSIs