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New posts in winsock

How do web servers avoid TIME_WAIT?

sockets http tcp winsock

In Win32, is there a way to test if a socket is non-blocking?

Qt (Creator) with WinSocks (ws2_32)

c++ qt qt4 winsock

Winsock2.h vs winsock2.h and wsock32.lib vs ws2_32.lib

c++ windows winsock

Winsock redefinition errors [duplicate]

C++ Winsock P2P

Fast detection or simulation of WSAECONNREFUSED

python windows sockets winsock

TCP/IP connection on a specific interface

c++ winsock

Examples for Winsock?

c++ resources winsock

winsock deprecated no warnings

visual-c++ winsock

Porting Winsock to Linux Sockets

Ensuring packet order in UDP

windows udp winsock packet

GetQueuedCompletionStatus can't dequeue IO from IOCP if the thread which originally issued the IO is blocking in ReadFile under windows 8

Is it possible to host a webserver in VBA?

vba winsock

Get IP-Address from DNS without GetHostByName

delphi sockets winapi winsock

How do I receive udp packets with winsock in c++?

c++ sockets udp winsock

WinSock.h & WinSock2.h which to use?

windows sockets tcp ip winsock

Why are there WSA pendants for socket(), connect(), send() and so on, but not for closesocket()?

c++ winapi sockets winsock

Do I need to close a socket?

sockets tcp winsock

Rejecting a TCP connection before it's being accepted?

tcp winsock