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New posts in winrt-xaml

How do I show a messagebox in Windows 8/RT xaml? [duplicate]

Can't create dependency property in a UserControl in a Windows Runtime Component library

Horizontal stretching - group header ListView

uwp xaml listview with header and datatemplate

c# winrt-xaml uwp

Wpf/WinRT points to draw a heart

c# wpf xaml math winrt-xaml

Refer an image resource from Universal App shared project

WinRT 8.1 Phone - ListView reordering

Activating Bottom AppBar from Code behind in WinRT

XAML How to get Canvas's Child to fill the entire Canvas?

windows-8 winrt-xaml

AutoSuggestBox shows up Property name instead of value

How can I add space to the end of a TextBlock in XAML? (Windows 10, UWP)

Setting Mindate and MaxDate for Datepicker Control

URI schemes supported in Windows 8 apps

ListView's item insert animations in WinRT

Close Button on VS11 Apps

Equivalent of editable ComboBox in WinRT?