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New posts in windows-xp

Crypto module is not visible to Python after installation on Windows XP

Cygwin is executing commands very slowly on XP. What could it be?

How to change the style of dialog box items into what appears in test mode?

Change and refresh icons programmatically (without rebooting)

Drawing directly on screen

java windows-xp

How to read a file with long file name with unicode in Strawberry perl not using Win32::Unicode::File?

ShellExecute failing if spaces in Path

Retrieving PCI coordinates by Windows' API (user mode)

Tools to view/solve Windows XP memory fragmentation

Resolving 'Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal' when Folder Redirection is active

.net winforms windows-xp

Monitoring API calls [duplicate]

Total memory consumption of the system

windows-xp taskmanager

how to adjust master volume in vista/xp

DateTime.ToLocalTime on Windows XP

Image browsing program - Why does it randomly crash after making it threaded?

QProcess fails to execute external executable

windows qt windows-xp qprocess

QApplication::setWindowIcon works on Windows XP, but does not work on Windows 7

c++ qt windows-7 windows-xp qt5

Best place to put application data? [duplicate]

Keyboard-only column block selection in GVim Win32, or why does Ctrl-Q not emulate Ctrl-V when mswin.vim is included?

windows windows-xp vi vim

git ignore exception not working as desired

git windows-xp gitignore