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New posts in windows-terminal

Setting default windows terminal starting directory to folder within c drive WSL

Recognize the new Windows Terminal from a PowerShell script

How to use Google Cloud Shell with the new Windows Terminal

How to remove the "username@host" from powershell prompt?

Open a new tab in the running instance of windows terminal from CLI


Windows terminal, split panes but the new pane is on the same directory as the previous?

Windows terminal ubuntu how to change starting directory


How to define bash as default Windows Terminal command processor?

Windows Terminal - PowerShell customization via oh-my-posh/posh-git Set-Theme error?

Windows terminal: open multiple panes and execute specified command

Start window's terminal from CLI and pass in an executable command to run

Git Bash in Windows Terminal is opening in a separate window

Can't change fontFace in Windows Terminal

How to install Microsoft Windows Terminal in Windows 10 version 1909

How to open Windows Terminal with 4 panes?


Unable to start Docker in WSL2 using new Windows Terminal

How can I start the Windows Terminal maximized by default?


How to open new tab with running specific command in Powershell (Windows Terminal)?


Getting powershell current line before ENTER is pressed

Windows Terminal's wt.exe cannot be found for non-admin user's PATH

windows windows-terminal