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New posts in windows-runtime

XAML Horizontal Stackpanel Scrolling

Win 8.1 SearchBox - binding suggestions

How to implement a custom slider with two thumbs?

Getting "Cannot add instance of type EventTriggerBehavior to collection BehaviorCollection" to make clickable TextBlock

How do I install two versions of my metro app?

How can I get cookies from HttpClientHandler.CookieContainer

c# .net windows-runtime

How do I find out if a file is already created in a StorageFolder

Handling WinRT StreamSocket disconnects (both server and client side)

What's the equivalent of the System.Diagnostic.Process on WinRT (C#)?

Pagekey becomes null in OnNavigatedFrom in layoutawarepage

How to Turn Off Automatic Termination of Suspended Apps

windows-8 windows-runtime

Microsoft winsdkfb Not Logged In: You are not logged in. Please login and try again. C# WinRT

Define a Thickness using resources

xaml windows-runtime uwp

WinRT reason for disallowing custom generic types or interfaces

c# generics windows-runtime

How to disable ListView's Hover and Tile effects?

Stretching the items of a grouped ListView horizontally

Center popup in XAML

Why does my TextBox get focused when clicking inside of ScrollViewer?

Using a Keep-Alive connection in WinRT's HttpClient class?

Given a .winmd file, where can we find the real implementation DLL?

.net windows-runtime winmd