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can not add System.Data.Linq reference in windows phone 8.1

Windows phone 8.1 BackPressed not working properly


How to get the resolution of screen (width and height) in Windows Phone 8.1?

c# .net windows-phone-8.1

How do i add a pushpin to a Windows Phone 8.1 Map Control?

Windows Phone 8.1 API


How can I bind source MediaCapture to CaptureElement using Caliburn.Micro?

Horizontal stretching - group header ListView

Windows Phone 8.1 | How to determine if file exists in local folder?

file windows-phone-8.1

WinRT 8.1 Phone - ListView reordering

Bind Strings from an .resw file with ReswFileCodeGenerator in XAML

Cannot change access modifiers when overriding 'protected' inherited member 'Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement.OnApplyTemplate() Error In Wp8.1 WinRt

c# windows-phone-8.1

Toggle flashlight in Windows Phone 8.1

c# windows-phone-8.1

How to know which was my last page in Windows Phone 8.1

AutoSuggestBox shows up Property name instead of value

How to parse nested JSON data structure

Check internet Connection on phone

How to get the version of a Windows Phone 8.1 app in code?