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New posts in webkit

webkit-transition for "top" and "bottom" properties

css animation webkit

onunload not working in Chrome and safari

javascript html webkit

Different line-height in Firefox and Chrome when using text-shadow

google-chrome webkit css

FInding the webkit version used in Android browser?

android webkit version

Jquery trigger click not working on safari browsers in mac, Ipad & Iphone

jquery iphone ipad safari webkit

CSS3, WebKit Transition Order? How to queue to the transitions?

html webkit css

I've tested in Chrome, do I need to test in Safari?

safari google-chrome webkit

jQuery/JS, iOS 4 and $(document).height() problems

javascript ios4 webkit window

Is Zepto.js only to be used for mobile web apps or can it be used for desktop just like jQuery?

CSS Border radius not trimming image on Webkit

google-chrome webkit css

Blurry corners and poor rendering when using Phantomjs (or wkhtmltoimage) screengrab on Docker

Is there a way in Javascript to time a browser reflow?

Using webkit for headless browsing

Webkit bug: Overflow auto triggered after resizing a child element to matching size

Double border-spacing with thead in Chrome and Safari

Single scroll-snap-point with bottom of viewport before the last section of the page

Custom NSURLProtocol class for WebView doesn't work when loading video in HTML5 document

objective-c macos cocoa webkit

How do I set the WebKit version used by a WebView...?

Does -webkit-font-smoothing only work on Mac browsers, Not windows?