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New posts in webkit

Mobile Specific Site Development. Where to start?

Communicating back to parent from a Webkit notification

javascript webkit parent

Capturing Microphone Using Html 5 and broadcast using socket.io

Horrible rendering of @font-face in Chrome

Why is transition on 'margin' and 'padding' laggy in webkit browsers?

DOM-Elements are there but not visible, until some CSS property is changed

WebKit browser in Java app on multiple platforms

java webkit embed

Issues with CSS `currentColor` keyword in iOS and Safari

css safari webkit

Does WebKit use OpenGL to render CSS transitions?

'webkitIndexedDB' is deprecated. Please use 'indexedDB' instead

WebKit API for DOM

How to break up HTML documents into pages for ebook?

html iphone uiwebview webkit

Flash Builder 4.5 debugger terminates | Safari

Is there something like source maps for CSS?

Mouse cursor not changing if a pointer is not moved in Webkit-based browsers

Incorrect width in Android webkit browser

android html webkit width

CSS attribute selector + descendant gives a bug in Webkit?

Android Browser in Windows

What compatibility do I lose when dropping the -khtml- vendor prefix?

CSS3 scale() causes divs to become pixelated

css webkit