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Issues with CSS `currentColor` keyword in iOS and Safari






  1. Here's a fiddle (thank you @NicoO) : In Safari, initial "red" colour gets applied to all other instances of currentColor.
  2. How can I fix, with CSS, the inheritance issue of currentColor?
  3. Or how can I feature-detect support for the CSS colour keyword currentColor?
  4. I also need to detect partial support. For example, Apple Webkit is unstable to use in most cases.

Full Story

I am using the CSS colour keyword currentColor in a project. Using it rather profusely, I might add. For example:

I'm using it on a Site Header component that floats over a full-viewport Carousel.

Each slide has a varying background-color and a contrasting color assigned to it. When the slide changes, it updates the Site Header to inform it of the new contrast. The Site Header's color is swapped accordingly and anything with the inherit or currentColor keyword gets updated, such as an <svg>'s fill, some border-colors, and some background-colors.

Another, simpler, example:

I have various colour palettes that I apply as a class name (e.g., bg--emerald or bg--blue) onto boxes. The contents of these boxes can be links or buttons or just text. With currentColor applied to button borders, for instance, the CSS becomes quite simple because I just need to set the color property for each colour scheme. No need to update each affected child node.

All this is very slick.

Support is superb under Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer 9+, and their "mobile" equivalents. Unfortunately, Apple Webkit (iOS Safari and OSX Safari) is suffering from poor and erratic support. It doesn't work everywhere, nor all the time—even in the simplest of examples—nor does it repaint very well or consistently when needed.

I've done some searching and haven't found many people using this practical CSS keyword and ergo no existing means to feature-detect it or polyfill it. I don't know how I would go about making a Modernizr test for this feature. Especially to detect partial-support like I'd need for Apple Webkit.

I'm probably just going to browser-detect it at the moment until I can think of a solution or stumble upon someone with the smarts that can think of a solution faster than me.


I've modified the fiddle (linked above) to grossly replicate the issues I'm having. What I've noticed is it's like currentColor gets locked with the initially inherited value ("red") and carries it along when applied to everything else. For example, if you switch :nth-child(1)'s color to something else that new value gets applied to all following elements using currentColor.



  • OSX, Safari 6–7
  • iOS 6–7, Safari


  • Windows, Safari 5
  • iOS 5, Safari

Something in Safari 6 and up got borked. Since this is such an underrated feature, nobody noticed.

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Chauncey McAskill Avatar asked May 29 '14 14:05

Chauncey McAskill

2 Answers

This is one of the issue I've faced recently. border-color inherit the same color as font by default so The solution is not to use currentColor at all. Try breaking down border properties. for e.g.

border : 1px solid currentColor 


border-width : 1px;
border-style : solid;

I've made a little fiddle for you http://jsfiddle.net/6of25jw8/

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Hasanavi Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09


If you are setting via js then you can make a simple hack.

You need to force safari to redraw the dom elements. You can simply hide all the elements (parent and children) and show them. this will make the children to have the intended colors set.

var nodeStack =[element];
while (node = nodeStack.pop()) {
    if (node.nodeType == 1) {
        var i = node.childNodes.length;
        while (i--) {

This forces safari to redraw div so that the color will be set correctly as currentColor.

but this will not reflect in psuedo elements like :after


like image 25
Prasanna Rkv Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Prasanna Rkv