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Media Query doesn't change CSS when Maximizing Browser and Switching Tabs

Here is a bit of CSS that has a simple media query.


When I shrink the page so that the view port is less than 320, the box turns green. Now if I follow these steps, the browser will be maximized, but the CSS will still be in the state defined by the media query at 320px.

  1. With the page opened in the first tab, and the browser sized so that the < 320px media query is enabled,
  2. Open a new tab, Browse to a website, like facebook.com.
  3. Maximize the browser.
  4. Take an extended browsing session away from the first tab. Do not reactivate the first tab for a few minutes.
  5. Activate the first tab with the window maximized.
  6. At this point, the view port should be full screen, but the element should still be the green block.

This means the <320 media query is still applied. If you open the debugger though, you'll see that the CSS applied though is the normal CSS. Is this a bug with Chrome?


Here's an album on imgur that shows the sequence.

  1. Opened, maximized.
  2. Reduced viewport, media query enabled.
  3. Maximized, still using media query.
  4. Looking at the CSS, it says that the dimensions are 300x200, but the UI shows 100x100. Something is broken.
like image 205
Rick Avatar asked May 22 '13 14:05


People also ask

Why is my media query not working CSS?

This may be the reason why your media queries aren't working. That is to say, you may have declared CSS within your HTML document. So if this is the case, simply go through the HTML document and remove the CSS declared inline.

How do I override media queries in CSS?

To override a specific media query rule, append a new css rule after the one you want to override. For example, if the last css rule does not have a media query attached, it will override all previously declared media queries (presuming the same selectors).

Do media queries go in CSS?

Media queries are commonly associated with CSS, but they can be used in HTML and JavaScript as well. There are a few ways we can use media queries directly in HTML.

Why my @media is not working?

Media process errors on Android can be triggered by a long list of factors. For example, maybe you're running low on RAM and storage space. Clear the cache, check for updates, remove the SD card and check if the error is gone. As a last resort, reset your device to factory settings.

1 Answers

The fix for this issue is to convince Chrome to update the render on the page. You can do it by resizing, maximizing, or changing a class on the body tag. I've updated to codepen to use a visibilitychange event that fires during tab switching to toggle a class on the body to force Chrome to update the page render.


like image 52
Rick Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11
