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Designing a different kind of tag cloud

Rather than having a bunch of links that are all different sizes, I want all of my tags to be the same size. However, my goal is to minimize the amount of space required to make the cloud, aka minimizing the number of lines used.

Take this example:

(source: stevethomas.com.au)

Looks like any normal tag cloud. However, look at all that extra space around the 'roughdiamond' tag, which could be filled in by other tags like 'stone' down near the bottom, which could effectively eliminate an entire extra line from the cloud.

How would I go about getting the words to fill in whatever space possible above them before starting a new line? I'm not talking about reorganizing them to find the absolute minimum number of lines required. If I was going through the list in the image, 'pendant', 'howlite', and 'igrice' would go to line 1 filling it up, 'roughdiamond' would go to line 2 because line 1 is full, 'tourmaline' would go to line 3 because it can't fit on lines 1 or 2, same with 'emberald', but 'pearl' would go to line 2 because it can fit there since there is extra space. I figure there would probably be some way of doing this in CSS that would simply cause the links to collapse into any fillable space it can fit in to.

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animuson Avatar asked May 03 '10 23:05


People also ask

What is tag cloud in 21st century?

A tag cloud (also known as a word cloud, wordle or weighted list in visual design) is a visual representation of text data, which is often used to depict keyword metadata on websites, or to visualize free form text. Tags are usually single words, and the importance of each tag is shown with font size or color.

What is the purpose of tag cloud?

Tag clouds are used as a navigation or visualization tool to help users search the content easily. A tag cloud is also known as word cloud or weighted list.

What are the benefits of tag clouds?

The benefits of the tag cloud are that large records can be categorized intuitively by popularity or frequency using catchwords. That way, a word cloud can reflect the content of a website or blog quite well.

2 Answers

I doubt this is possible in CSS since this requires specific computations to rearrange the words optimally.

The problem you are actually looking to tackle is the 2 dimensional bin packing problem with bins of equal size and items of variable size.

As mentioned in this answer to a question about bin packing, sorting your items from largest to smallest and then fitting smaller words in between the large ones will usually result in a fairly good approximation. You will have to try it out with the types of words you'll be using to find out whether this will work for you (his approach may result in many small words grouped at the bottom of your cloud).

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Trey Hunner Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Trey Hunner

This is not an optimal solution but will probably (most of the time) be way better than a random one and way faster than a optimal one: display each tag by string length width in descending order.

This will give you a arrangement that will be at max, 14% worse than the optimal solution.

EDIT: Also works if you sort tags by strlen width in ascending order.

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Alix Axel Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Alix Axel