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New posts in vendor-prefix

Do we have to use non-standard/browser specific CSS vendor prefixes anymore?

browser css vendor-prefix

Vendor Prefixes in Chrome and Opera

Should we still use -webkit- and -moz- for recognised CSS3 properties?

css vendor-prefix

Why can't I combine ::selection and ::-moz-selection in one CSS rule? [duplicate]

css vendor-prefix

Automate css browser vendors prefixes in meteor

css meteor vendor-prefix

-webkit-transform not working in Internet Explorer

Should I still use vendor prefixes for border-radius?

css vendor-prefix

How can I configure Autoprefixer in Angular 7

How to disable vendor prefixes in styled-components configuration?

How do I find out when I can safely drop vendor prefixes for a CSS3 property?

css vendor-prefix

IE10/11 uses transition:-webkit-transform?

Why is rotateY (flip) css3 animation flickering in Chrome?

Should I remove vendor prefixes?

css vendor-prefix

How can I make 'grunt less' automatically run autoprefixer?

How necessary are CSS3 vendor prefixes right now? [duplicate]

Why do browsers need vendor prefixes for CSS3? What is stopping them from just using the standard CSS3 properties? [duplicate]

browser css vendor-prefix

What is the purpose of CSS prefixes? [duplicate]

css browser vendor-prefix

Ordering in vendor based CSS3 Vs Standard CSS3 syntax

css vendor-prefix

What is the -mso- prefix for in CSS?

css vendor-prefix