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IIS Manager can't configure .NET Compilation on .NET 4 Applications

web-config iis-7.5

Can you pull the connectionString for a log4net AdoNetAppender from elsewhere in a web.config file?

c# asp.net web-config log4net

Web.config transformation: Unrecognized attribute 'xmlns:xdt'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive

asp.net-mvc-3 web-config

allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' msbuild error

msbuild web-config

Programmatically register HttpModules at runtime

Running MiniProfiler with runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests set to false

web.config redirect non-www to www

A preferred way to check if asp.net web application is in debug mode during runtime?

c# asp.net web-config

Could not find a base address that matches scheme https for the endpoint with binding WebHttpBinding. Registered base address schemes are [http]

c# wcf rest https web-config

how to set start page in webconfig file in asp.net c#

Conflicting versions of ASP.NET Web Pages detected: specified version is "", but the version in bin is ""

How to read values from custom section in web.config

c# .net web-config .net-2.0

ConfigurationManager.AppSettings getting null?

c# asp.net web-config

Replacing IIS rewrite rules in web.config transform

The configuration section 'system.web.extensions' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration

Allow anonymous authentication for a single folder in web.config?

Web Config Transforms: Insert If Not Exists

Visual Studio 2010 nuget error: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel

Setting up redirect in web.config file

What is WebResource.axd?

c# asp.net web-config