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New posts in web-application-project

Visual Studio 2008 - Moving solution files (sln, suo)

Access file inside WebContent from servlet

Why do Asp.net web project have garbage values in the url?

How to convert maven project to web application project?

How to decide between developing a web application and a desktop application [closed]

How to add Assembly Information to a Web Site/App in Visual Studio 2008

Web Application won't publish without .cs files

Website Project with Team Foundation Server

How to precompile a Web Application project?

Web Application Structure and Deployment

Force external files to be copied to bin folder on publish

Why are code-behind files not visible in a VB.NET Web Application project?

Changing Output path in web project in VS2010

ASP.NET Web Site or Web Project [duplicate]

when to use index.php instead of index.html

How to use app_GlobalResource or app_LocalResource?

WebApplication publish to relative filesystem path