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New posts in weak-references

Callback for when WeakReference is removed

How to weakly subscribe to events/observables

Creating a deepcopy of class instance with nested weakref to it

How can I create a dead weakref in python?

python weak-references

Finalizer not called before second object is created except when using weakref

Declare an array of WeakReferences?

java weak-references

bad_weak_ptr when calling shared_from_this() in base class

Memory leak when invoking __iadd__ via __get__ without using temporary

Java: Looking for mutable/re-referenceable weak reference implementation

Avoiding retain cycle when using function as a block in swift

java - can we have a weak thread?

Block garbage collector while analyzing weak references

How to keep a weak reference to an object?

WeakReference Behavior When Object Is Finalized But Not Yet Garbage Collected

Why does using an Object Initializer keep an object alive?

Inherited WeakReference throwing ReflectionTypeLoadException in Silverlight

weak IBOutlet UIView property would become nil

Lots of overhead for weak property?

C#: Properly using WeakReference IsAlive property

Why is the implementation of events in C# not using a weak event pattern by default?

c# .net events weak-references