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When running mstest against a WCF service, WcfSvcHost fails to run and tests fail. Tests pass when debugged

wcf unit-testing

Host a WCF service from within Apache server?

wcf apache

Can't get WCF to use both http and https for an operation


F# WSDL code generation

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How do I return an entity that is a query of multiple tables

c# wcf linq entity-framework

Cause .net WCF client to use RPC/encoded instead of Document/Literal/Wrapped with Delphi service

.net wcf delphi interop rpc

Pushing OR Polling

c# .net silverlight wcf

When to use WCF Fault Exception

c# .net wcf fault

Require credentials for some methods only in WCF web service

I'm trying to setup a WCF Service that is called via the MsmqIntegrationBinding and I'm getting an error

c# wcf msmq

Initialize in WCF Service Application Project?

c# wcf

Jquery ajax() handling WCF errors?

jquery wcf

WCF MSMQ Message queue not being processed

wcf iis msmq was

how to make WCF service use a specific DataContractSerializer constructor overload?

Why doesn’t WCF support service-side timeouts?

.net wcf timeout

Read WCF service endpoint address by name from web.config

c# wcf web-config

Complex data types in WCF?

wcf complex-data-types

WIF 4.5 BootstrapContext security token null

.net wcf security wif saml

Efficient way to send images via WCF?

c# wcf

WCF - Cannot resolve [WebGet] symbol - what am I doing wrong?

c# wcf