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New posts in wcf-client

embed app config into c# code in wcf

Cannot access a disposed object - wcf client

Strange exception when connecting to a WCF service via a proxy server

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WCF Test Client error: Failed to Invoke the service

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How to handle incorrect SOAP fault in WCF?

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Where to trap failed connection on WCF calling class?

wcf wcf-client

How to ensure that the WCF ChannelFactory uses Binding settings in xml configuration (MaxArrayLength is ignored)

Ignore certain WCF services from WCF trace logs

wcf wcf-client

What is the proper life-cycle of a WCF service client proxy in Silverlight 3?

How does Node.js work from a network / TCP / HTTP connection perspective? Can WCF emulate this?

Two WCF services with different contracts but same business objects

wcf wcf-client

Getting a PipeException (pipe is closing) with a WCF service that uses NamedPipesBinding

Could not find endpoint element with name and contract

Exception: The client certificate is not provided

How to add attribute to WCF message header with MessageHeader.CreateHeader() method?

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WCF Timeout issue?

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What happens when a WCF client specifies multiple endpoints for the same contract?

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How to get raw XML in WCF Client from Web Service call

WCF service client application getting "Object not set to an instance of an object"

WCF Client how can I deserialize an incompatible date format from the JSON response?