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Glassfish war lifecycle question

Add subversion revision to war manifest using maven2

Initialization hook for Clojure Noir WAR/Servlet (CloudFoundry)

java clojure war leiningen

Jetty: unpack .war to specific folder

java jetty war

how to make changes on a project and running it through IDE without deploying it on server

java eclipse tomcat war

Is there any way for a class within a war to access the META-INF from it's ear?

java maven war ear pom.xml

How to remove .jar file from a war that is overlaid by maven dependency

How Exclude some files from Eclipse Java EE Web Application project Deployment Assembly

eclipse war

Deploy JSP Webapplication on Tomcat7 (via OpenShift with GIT)

java tomcat7 openshift war

arquillian add resources from main folder

JavaEE - WAR - Deployed :: How to read a file from resource directory [duplicate]

Docker tomcat edit expanded war files

java tomcat docker war

How to update a .war in Tomcat

tomcat war

Maven war - 'packaging' with value 'war' is invalid. Aggregator projects require 'pom' as packaging

java maven spring-mvc war

Maven can't find web.xml

How to enable async support in a Springboot application packaged and deployed as WAR

How do I access a text file from within my war

Spring Boot application war in a standalone servlet container

Running war file from a Maven Tomcat Plugin -- is plugin using the wrong file?

tomcat maven war vaadin

Gradle: How to exclude JAR from a WAR?

java jar gradle war