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New posts in visual-studio-cordova

Visual Studio 2013 update 4 cordova, how to export Android apk file to publish in PlayStore

IPA language with Visual studio (Cordova)

Debugger agent is not enabled

Visual Studio Cordova iOS build server setup

Updating Node & NPM VS Cordova update 5


Win 10 Universal App with Cordova trying to load flash

Azure Mobile Services / VS Tools for Cordova - 404

Black screen in Cordova Windows 10 UWP app

Problems running the ripple emulator on Visual Studio 2013

Visual studio 2015 deletes file on save - cordova Solution

Visual Studio 2015 RTM Cordova project won't debug/deploy to Android, Windows, Windows Phone

Unable to get launched browser process for Ripple

Cannot build signed android package through visual studio cordova

The command "platforms\android\cordova\clean.bat" exited with code 2

Cordova build for Windows with Visual Studio 2017 error

VS Community 2015 - No Windows Phone Emulator Installed


Visual Studio 2015 won't work with Tools For Apache Cordova

Error locating adb.exe when running Visual Studio 2015 RC and MS Android emulator

Failed to deploy to device while deploying cordova app to a connected device

Windows Phone 8.1 HTML Company Apps - Can't install company app