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New posts in visual-studio-2010

Project is not support by this installation {BC8A1FFA-BEE3-4634-8014-F334798102B3}

Hide a row in DataGridView

vb.net visual-studio-2010

Programmatically open file in visual studio

How to generate xsd from C# class file using visual studio command prompt?

Profile mex function in visual studio

Maximized state of child form Not working correctly when used in MDI container (Visual Basic 2013)

unsafe mix of xxx and bool in operation warning only when comparing value to TRUE

C# & Excel: Value2 has no definition

c# excel visual-studio-2010

Code Analysis as Warning Locally but Error on TFS Build

Why does "small" give an error about "char"?

Disable generation of metagen files in VS2010

visual-studio-2010 clr

Shelving and then Undo pending changes

Going from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010 Express Editions

how to add a Run Button and Compile Button on the toolbar in visual studio

c# visual-studio-2010

Microsoft C++ Pre-defined Macros [duplicate]

What command line arguments does Visual Studio use for running MsTest?

MVC3 Re-installation VS2010 SP1

How do you stop Visual Studio from waiting for the second part of a shortcut-combination?

Is it necessary for the build machine to have Microsoft Office 2007 installed?

How to reset custom Performance Counter