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How to always have the same current directory in VIm and in Terminal?

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How to restrict the % functionality of vim?

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Mapping already in use: "<LocalLeader>sb", mode "n"

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What are the different Ruby debugging plugins for VIM?

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Can you have different localleaders for different Vim plugins?

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vim shell key mapping to execute shell commands

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VIM - Reformatting indentation and braces

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Vim requires .vimrc to be sourced every time when running in tmux

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Which version of Ruby should I use with Vim 7.4 on Windows?

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How to assign text with in braces into variable in vim

How to disable spell highlight within a comment in Vim

vim, How do I get matching word in parenthesis from regex

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vim unite plugin recreate

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Vim: how to enter insert-anywhere/canvas mode?

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gvim ftplugin not loaded

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Use code completion in vim as in sublime text

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Error running ':ConqueTerm bash'

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YouCompleteme unavailable : no module named future

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Sublime code-like method browser in Vim

Working solution for FZF most recent files in Vim?

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