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Is there an ASP.Net MVC view engine that supports JavaScript views?

HTML Email created with ASP.NET MVC 2 View (standard view engine)

Nustache View Engine ArrayTypeMismatchException

Why is a full path to layout required in viewstart file when locations are specified in the view engine?

Search for view files in a custom location only for Specified Area in MVC 5

Is it worth migrating an existing asp.net-mvc project with webform view engine to razor?

What are the benefits of using an alternate view engine?

Creating ASP.NET MVC style views in a console application?

Failover to an alternate View when Partial View is not found?

How do you write your own View engine for ASP.NET MVC?

asp.net-mvc viewengine

MVC Razor ViewEngine not thread-safe?

Has anyone been able or at least tried to port Liquid Template Language to C#?

Shared layouts not found with overridden View paths (Location Formats) in ASP.NET MVC

Is it possible with ASP.NET MVC to render a view from a template pulled from a database?

asp.net-mvc viewengine

alternative asp.net MVC view engines

ASP.NET MVC ViewEngine ViewLocationCache.GetViewLocation returns null

.NET MVC Custom viewengine layout

Is there a way to make a @section optional with the asp.net mvc Razor ViewEngine?

How does MVC3 picks which ViewEngine to use if I have multiple engines in ViewEngines collection?

asp.net-mvc-3 viewengine

ASP.NET MVC3 Razor - lost intellisense when placing view in alternate location?