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New posts in video-encoding

Getting QualComm encoders to work via MediaCodec API

H264 NAL unit prefixes

Give input to ffmpeg using named pipes

Cannot play certain videos

Alternatives for generating a video feed from screenshots

Creating a video from images using ffmpeg libav and libx264?

Encoding AAC with ffmpeg (c++)

c++ ffmpeg video-encoding aac

Video on websites and mobile device, is there one cross-platform code/format for all these support?

flash html video-encoding

Need help understanding HTML 5 audio/video meta data use and placement

Discrete Wavelet Transform LeGal 5/3 with Lifting (negative values, visualizing, LH HL confusion)

How to upload video from a(n Android) phone as it is being recorded

Can I use Amazon Elastic Transcoder to only create thumbnails?

stitching videos together using ffmpeg on the command line

Capture, encode then stream video from an iPhone to a server

Encoding a video in FFmpeg to X264 and have it playable in Quicktime

Why frame->pts increases by 20, rather than by 1?

How to get .mp4 videos from motion on a Raspberry Pi?

Writing video with OpenCV + Python + Mac

Muxing from Audio and Video files with FFmpeg

Video encoding libraries for iOS