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New posts in video-conferencing

Videoconferencing with webrtc + node.js

webRTC: Add audio later or disable microphone using peerJS

Integrate opentok video conferencing into parse.com + iOS app

JAVA library for videoconferencing and how to use libjitsi?

Audio/Video conferencing for iOS, Android & Web Platform [closed]

is there an API to check if Mac's Microphone or video camera is in use? [closed]

macos video-conferencing

building video conferencing with rails webrtc and HTML5

Open-source p2p videoconferencing in Flash or Java?

Rails 4 Video Conferencing Solution / Gem / Integration [closed]

How to make video call programmatically on Android 2.2 or higher?

OpenTok - How to publish/unpublish manually?

Jitsi server hardware requirements on test environment

TokBox OpenTok Alternative? [closed]