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New posts in vibration

In Android (using Java), how can I set the ring volume (to a specified number)?

Make iphone/smartphone vibrate from website, is it possible?

'VIBRATOR_SERVICE: String' is deprecated for API 31

2 errors when calling AudioServicesPlaySystemSound?

Vibrate iPhone for specified duration

cocoa-touch ios ios4 vibration

Android: Vibrate in accordance with selection checked in Sound Settings > General

android - shake detection

Can I determine / how, if a device has vibration or not?

Invoking and controlling vibration using Swift and iOS8

swift ios8 vibration

A universal cross-platform way (mobile) to show alerts to a user

Android - Vibrating device doesn't work

android vibration

Vibrate permission required only on some devices

check phone settings for haptic feedback

android settings vibration

Is it possible to "rumble" a Xbox 360 controller with Python?

python output xbox vibration

Can you increase vibrator strength on android devices?

android vibration

Android: vibrator method (if phone has no vibrator?)

android methods vibration

Vibrate iPhone 6S manually like peek and pop?