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What is the VB statement phrase "Chr(0)" equivalent in C#?

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Use 32-bit version of ODBC on 64-bit Windows 7?

vb6 odbc 32bit-64bit

Best way to convert total minutes into HH:mm format?

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Maximum Err.Raise number?

vb6 error-handling

Get a file's last modified date in VB6


How do you get VB6 to initialize doubles with +infinity, -infinity and NaN?

vb6 nan infinity

Is Visual Basic 6 still widely used? [closed]


Consuming VB6 string array in C#

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VB6 app printing Crystal Report to Adobe Distiller PDF - how to set PDF filename?

Linking scroll bars on adjacent listboxes together


Specify a default driver for ODBC

vb6 odbc adodb dsn

Static code analysis tools for VB6

vb6 static-code-analysis

How to setup the VB6 IDE in a Docker container (on Windows)?

docker vb6

What Are Collections Implemented As In VB6?

collections vb6

Regfree COM event fails from other thread

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What's the proper source for Windows Common Controls 6.0 component (MSCOMCTL.OCX)?

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What's the simplest .NET equivalent of a VB6 control array?

Code to make a DHTMLEd control replace straight quotes with curly quotes

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Develop an application which doesn't lose it's focus?

vb.net vb6

VB6 Tuple Equivalent?

vb6 tuples built-in