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New posts in variables

SSIS: How do I pull a SQL statement from a file into a string variable?

sql variables ssis

GNU make variables in Makefile

variables makefile

Static variable not initialized

PHP bizarre math

php math variables

Php to get value of hash from URL

php javascript variables

persistent local variable in c

c variables persistent

perl6/rakudo: How can I change the data-type of a variable?

PHP How to assign eval(0 to variable

php variables eval

Rails format.xml render and pass multiple variables

Whats the difference between {$var} and $var?

OpenMP - Variable declarations in for loops

variables openmp

Rails - variable as part of method name [duplicate]

How to deal with variable references in yacc/bison (with ocaml)

XSL - sum multiplication of elements

xml xslt variables xpath sum

Java: Get the class of a variable

java variables types

Javascript: Split into multiple variables [duplicate]

What's the difference between static variables and globals in php? [duplicate]

php variables static global

XSLT create node name from variable

variables xslt-1.0 node-set

LESS CSS Escape entire CSS rule with different prefixes?

css variables escaping less

Storing in variable vs. having multiple different methods