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New posts in varchar

Postgres: Reduce varchar size and truncate

postgresql varchar truncate

T-SQL: How to obtain the exact length of a string in characters?

tsql string varchar nvarchar

Inserting "bigger" data into PostgreSQL makes the system faster?

Postgresql: In-Row vs Out-of-Row for text/varchar

what is the diff between TEXT and VARCHAR datafields?

text types varchar

Find the byte size of a row in PostgreSQL

Best datatype to store hexidecimal and hex characters in the database

What is the Varchar(Max) equivalent for DB2?

sql sql-server db2 varchar

performance type varchar(1) or smallint to store status Postgres

What is the maximum length of private and public RSA keys?

database openssl rsa varchar

Change PostgreSQL columns used in views

Determine varchar content in nvarchar columns

SQL 2008 - varchar(max) vs text data types [duplicate]

MySQL Determine longest VarChar length

mysql varchar


sql oracle types blob varchar

How does MySQL varchar know how many bytes indicate the length?

How to select integer values only from a varchar column in PostgreSQL

postgresql numeric varchar

Does column ordering affects performance in Microsoft SQL Server 2012?

ORA-12899 value too large for column despite of same length

sql oracle varchar varchar2