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vagrant virtualbox disk grows in size for no reason

vagrant virtualbox

Importing Mysql database using Ruby/Chef Recipe for Vagrant

Vagrant refuses to connect in private_network mode [closed]

Recurring Vagrant error: operation not permitted on action `create` on an NFS resource

Vagrant up error, changing ownership of /vagrant: not a directory

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What exactly does Vagrant snapshot save?

how can I enable x-11 forwarding in pycharm? when connecting to vagrant or a remote ssh?

How do you create a host-only network in Vagrant for NFS?

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Running `grunt` on VM Shared Directory

Vagrant Share - Accessing Virtual Hosts and accessing those that are not in the default web root

First vagrant up works but then ruby error after halt/up

ruby vagrant

vagrant install plugin from github

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How to move Vagrant VM folder?


Ignore synced folder files/directories with NFS as sync system for Vagrant

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Vagrant Command Stopped Working: Command not Found on WIndows

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Why is the default Vagrant shared folder empty?

How do I set the SMB username and password?

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Installing Ruby 1.9.2 on Ubuntu using Chef and Vagrant

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Vagrant + Chef + apt: Is it possible to install a specific version of a deb package on a Ubuntu VM?

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Difference between virtualbox + vagrant and VMWare fusion